Extended Acknowledgments

Word limits in scholarly publications too often result in authors’ failure to recognize the contributions of countless individuals and organizations who played a crucial role in making academic work possible. This page is an attempt to remedy that unfortunate situation, at least partially. Scroll down to find unabridged versions of my acknowledgments for various publications.

The Distributive Politics of Social Assistance Targeting: Evidence from COVID-19 Relief in Colombia


Published in Social Policy & Administration, doi: 10.1111/spol.12908

Funding – Research for this article was funded by a grant from the Facultad de Ciencias Sociales at the Universidad de los Andes and a Centennial Center Research Grant from the American Political Science Association.

Research assistance — Jonathan Hurtado, Geraldinne Luna, Alejandro Mejía, Nicole Navarro, Sara Ramírez, and José Fernando Villota provided indispensable research assistance. The 2020-2 and 2021-1 cohorts of my Political Economy Undergraduate Research Group at the Universidad de los Andes (see below) played a fundamental role in the data collection process.

Feedback and professional support — I thank Lindsay Mayka, Silvia Otero Bahamón, Eduardo Moncada, Juan Manuel Palacios, Alfred Montero, Santiago Anria, and Will Freeman for their sharp feedback. I also benefited from insightful comments from Kent Eaton, Maiah Jaskoski, Sari Niedzwiecki, Martín Ordóñez, and Javier Revelo Rebolledo in the early stages of this research. María Fernanda España, Daniela López, and Sara Prada helped me to organize my thoughts and sharpened my thinking; this article would not exist without their kind and professional support. The thought-provoking comments and questions I received when presenting early versions of this work were also invaluable: many thanks to all participants at the Department of Political Science of the Universidad de los Andes research colloquium, at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia – Sede Medellín (with special thanks to Mónica Uribe), at the 2021 congresses of the American Political Science Association and the Latin American Studies Association, and the 2022 Roundtable on Clientelism in the Graduate Program in Political Science at the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (with special thanks to Paulo d’Avila and Marta Mendes da Rocha).

All errors are my own.

Undergraduate Research Group on Political Economy

A large portion of the data collection for this project was conducted in collaboration with the 2020-2 and 2021-1 cohorts of my Undergraduate Research Group on Political Economy (Semillero de Economía Política) in the Department of Political Science at the Universidad de los Andes.

Research Assistants: Jonathan Hurtado, Geraldinne Luna, Nicole Navarro, Alejandro Mejía, Sara Ramírez, and José Fernando Villota.

Research Team: Gabriela Bulla, Valentina Cárdenas, Sebastián Cifuentes, Nicolás Fajardo, Daniel Eduardo Franco, Santiago Marín, Laura Morales, Luisa María Pedraza, Gabriela Ramírez, Pablo Ramos, Juan Pablo Rodríguez, Nicolás Romero, Adriana Suárez, José Fernando Villota, Paloma Castro, Mateo Contreras, Juan Felipe Duarte, Santiago Duarte, María José Estrada, and Andrés Felipe Prado.

Juan Diego Prieto Sanabria